Bespoke Ongoing Advice

Discover the Benefits of Plain Savings

Bespoke Ongoing Advice Service

Why Continuous Financial advice is Essential.

When investing in pensions, ISAs, or other financial products, continuous oversight and active management are crucial for success. Here’s why:

  • Market Fluctuations: The financial markets are constantly influenced by economic and political changes. What may initially seem like a wise investment can change rapidly.
  • Changing Life Circumstances: As your life evolves, your financial goals and needs might also change. Our service ensures your investments remain aligned with your current objectives.
  • Risk Alignment: Your comfort with risk may evolve over time. It’s important that your investment portfolio reflects any change in your risk tolerance.
  • Proven Performance: Investments actively managed with the help of a financial adviser consistently outperform those that lack ongoing advice.

What is Included in Our Ongoing Advice Service?

At Plain Savings, we emphasize the necessity of ongoing advice to support your financial objectives effectively. Our service is designed to ensure continuous alignment and adjustment of your financial strategy.

Annual Financial Review

  • Reassess your personal circumstances, needs, and objectives.
  • Evaluate changes in your attitude towards risk and your capacity for potential losses.
  • Account for recent tax and legislative changes that could impact your finances.
  • Continuously review the suitability of your investments, providing personalized recommendations.

Quarterly Internal Investment Review

  • Conduct a detailed evaluation of each investment fund within your portfolio to ensure optimal alignment with your goals.
  • Monitor performance and future outlook, making tactical adjustments as necessary without altering your agreed-upon risk level.

Unrestricted Access to Expert Advice

  • Maintain direct and ongoing communication with a qualified financial adviser.
  • Benefit from prompt responses to phone and email inquiries within our business hours.
  • Arrange online or in-person meetings with your financial adviser without additional costs, regardless of frequency.

Comprehensive Administrative Support

  • Handle all ongoing administrative tasks related to your investments, including updates to your investment amounts, withdrawals, tax issues, pension benefits, or changes in personal information.

Transparent Cost Structure

Our bespoke ongoing advice service is available for an annual fee of £750. This fee can be conveniently paid from your investments or pensions on a monthly basis, allowing you to clearly see the net performance of your investments after costs.

  • Flexible Payment Options: Direct annual payments are also available, billed at your annual review.

Cancellation Policy

Should you decide that you no longer require our ongoing services, you can cancel at any time without any notice period or exit fees, ensuring complete flexibility in your financial management.

Committed to Your Financial Prosperity

At Plain Savings, we are dedicated to providing a personalized, responsive service that adapts to your evolving financial needs. Our goal is to empower you with the confidence and support necessary to make informed decisions throughout your financial journey.